Międzynarodowe spotkanie w Warszawie – „Ready to start”
W dniu 21 listopada 2023 mieliśmy przyjemność gościć Ekspertki z Macedonii: Katerina Zlatanovska Popova oraz Bilijana Velevska. Wspólnie z naszym partnerem IMPULSI skupiliśmy się na dwóch obszarach projektu: warsztat dotyczący Podręcznika dla doradców oraz Wytycznymi do tworzenia gier multimedialnych w projekcie „Ready to start”. W warsztatach wzięło udział 7 ekspertów. Spotkanie zakończyło się kolacją oraz ciekawą, emotikonkową ewaluacją!
Kilka wypracowanych obserwacji – the objective of the task is to PROVIDE NEW DIAGNOSTIC AND EDUCATIONAL TOOLS FOR CAREER ADVISORS. The key skills for advisors today are:
- Communication – career advisors should be able to conduct effective and clear conversations to understand needs and goals, as well as to explain available options and opportunities.
- Interpersonal skills – career advisors should be empathetic and build good relationships with clients. This helps in understanding their needs and enables trust-building.
- Knowledge of the job market – career advisors should be up-to-date with trends and changes. This knowledge allows for effective advising in career choice, available development opportunities, and in devising individual career strategies.
- Problem-solving ability – career advisors should identify problems arising during career planning and propose effective solutions.
- Familiarity with Tools and Technology: Career advisors should be knowledgeable about new technologies and tools that can help in working with clients. The ability to use such tools can significantly streamline the advising process and increase the effectiveness of actions.
- Self-development – career advisors should continuously improve their skills and expand their knowledge to effectively advise clients and stay abreast of market trends. These skills form the foundation for building effective career advising in current times and will be the benchmark for Partner activities.
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